Monday, July 30, 2007
Photos from Yankee Classic on Dancesportinfo

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11:31 PM
Labels: competitions, photos
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Facebook Ballroom Application
Hi Folks,
I've been busy creating the Facebook Ballroom Application. I'm pleased to announce the release of the app which currently allows for dancers to post profiles, search for partners and add a crush list.
The application can be found here, http://ballroom.mit.edu/BallroomConnection/. To add the application to your profile, click "log in", then "add application", then "add application" again. Accept the terms and features.
I will write more in terms of a user manual and details. In the meantime, here is my post on dance-forums:
Hi Everyone,
We're trying a new upgrade of the MIT partnersearch by integrating it with facebook. It will be part of a suite of ballroom applications called "Ballroom Connection", or simply the Ballroom application on Facebook. At the moment, it allows for dancers to post their profiles, post if they are available for partnerships, search for partnerships, and list private crushes on dancers who they wish to dance with. When a crush lists them back for the same style and purpose, the system will secretly notify both parties of the match.
Other features in the suite which are planned in the next upgrade is a classified ad for costumes, and a competition calendar and results tracking(and predictions :] ).
The application is here http://ballroom.mit.edu/BallroomConnection/ . Without facebook, you can only view limited information since Facebook has strict privacy rules. To add the application, click on "Log in", then "Add application", then "add application" (again). Accept all the terms. Then the Ballroom Application will appear on the left hand bar. You may need to click the small arrow to see more of the left hand menu.
We hope the facebook integration will not only make it easier for users to post entries, but also to create a community of dancers on facebook.
Please try it out, and hope you have fun.
Posted by
11:04 PM
Labels: partner search, software, tech
Saturday, July 14, 2007
What is plantar fascia?
Many people around me have plantar fascia to the point that it almost seems like an infections disease. Don’t worry, it is not. However, if you are a dancer like all these people, you should worry you might get it as well. Everything you read here is something I put together since many people have been asking me about it. I don’t have any medical degree and all my knowledge is from the web sources which I will be happy to provide here as well. Well, I also have some “experience” with it.
So, what is plantar fascia? According to American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons::
“It's an overuse injury affecting the sole or flexor surface (plantar) of the foot. A diagnosis of plantar fasciitis means you have inflamed the tough, fibrous band of tissue (fascia) connecting your heel bone to the base of your toes.”
Plantar fascia starts with a mild pain in the heel especially when you step on a hard surface. This is called stone bruise. If you do not do anything about it, the condition will grow into actual plantar fasciitis. The common symptom is sharp pain in the heel when you get out of bed in the morning.
Having tight calves is one of the common reasons for plantar fascia. This is especially true for the female dancers because they dance on high heels. Putting the feet into the standard shoes, in my case, becomes really painful and it feels like the heel of the shoe goes straight through my heel causing pain. In fact, walking in most street shoes is painful. See the article about how flip-flops may cause heel pains.
What can help in this situation? Obviously, paying a visit to a doctor will be the best way to learn about all possible ways. I find stretching helps a lot. I also started using inserts for arch support and heel cushion, which I do all the time even while I don’t dance. Here is the once I found in a drug store: Dr.Scholls.
A summary of treatment:
- See a doctor when you think you have pain in your heel.
- Rest. That means do not dance. Sadly, I know people who had to crawl from the dance floor in the excruciating pain.
- Keep the weight off the foot until the inflammation goes away. This might take any number of days/weeks/months.
- Apply ice to the sore area.
- Stretch your Achilles tendon and plantar fascia. This is very important that you stretch before and after you practice to prevent the pain from occurring and reoccurring. We all have heard about it but unfortunately only after something bad has happened. I was definitely forced to pay attention to it in the doctor's office. Go here for some exercises.
- Doctors may also recommend you to wear orthopedics (arch support). The doctors can usually fit it for you.
- A doctor may choose to inject your heel with steroidal anti-inflammatory medication, put you into a cast or do a surgery on the foot.
Links: http://familydoctor.org/online/famdocen/home/healthy/physical/injuries/140.html
Posted by
7:17 AM
Labels: medical
Friday, July 6, 2007
Manhattan Dancesport
I'm going to try to update the blog more frequently. Just a quick note, good luck to those going to Manhattan Dancesport this weekend. We may have a photographer going there.
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1:37 PM
Labels: competitions
Wednesday, July 4, 2007
Some photos from Yankee Classic
Just a quick update. I'm still working on the pictures from the Yankee Classic, and I have a lot of them. So stay tuned. Here are some for your entertainment meanwhile. The first one is of Jose Decamps and Joanna Zacharewicz. Wow! These people know how to make audience excited. The second picture is of Max and Yulia, the show couple.
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9:48 PM
Labels: competitions, photos