I have posted the pictures I took at the NJ Dancesport Spring Fling 07 on Dancesportinfo. My gallery is here.
Saturday, May 26, 2007
Gallery on Dancesportinfo
Posted by
1:37 AM
Friday, May 25, 2007
Portable Speakers for Dancing, review, and Tivoli audio
The Problem:
I usually move around for practice, sometimes in gyms, hallways, or where ever. Although it would be nice to go to a studio, sometimes that's not possible nor feasible.
So, I need a portable speaker with enough volume and quality, but can't be too big since it has to fit in my bag and is easy to set up. The trouble with boomboxes is either that they are too big or don't have a line-in for mp3 player(CDs only). I also need a good bass to hear the beat in standard and latin.
The Solutions:
1) The Sonic Impact flat panels speakers:
Availability: Amazon.com
price: ~$20
rating: 5/10
how it works: It uses vibrating membranes which feel like sturdy foam-core. You wire up each speaker to the amp, and plug your music source to the amp.
pros: cheap, light and small, can run on batteries or AC
cons: not loud enough to fill a room, bass is horrible, and too many wires takes a while to setup
overall: okay for small rooms, but has a "cheap" sound. There's a version which is built into a CD case.
2) Sound Bug
price: ~$10
rating: 3/10
how it works: you stick this thing to any smooth, flat surfaces by suction and make the whole surface a speaker!
pros: very small - pocket sized!, runs on batteries.
cons: cumbersome and hard to setup. The concept is cool, but it is not loud enough even on ideal survaces(they recommend glass), and the bass varies drastically on the material you stick it on.
overall: nice ideal, but disappointing performance.
3) Generic PC speakers.
Availability: any computer store
price: $10-50
rating: 6/10
how it works: buy any off-the-self pc speakers, either powered or not, and plug in your music source
pros: widely and easily available, quality can vary greatly
cons: I find that many are not lound enough, most are AC powered only, or the none-powered ones are definitely not loud enough to fill a good sized room. Also, all the wires can be tangled and a mess, especially if they require both speakers when you really only need one.
overall: it's probably the easy solution with okay results. you should definitely try them out first before buying(eg. go to Bestbuy and try the displays). Also, note that high speakers like the Bose computer speakers can fall into the category below.
4) Tivoli iPal Speakers
price: ~$100, $150 on their website
rating: 9/10
how it works: It's a portable speaker which can be AC powered, or powered by an internal rechargable battery.
pros: made by world reknown audio designer Henry Kloss(he created Dolby Sound systems), good balance of bass and treble(frequency response is good), does a good job of filling a room(in a basketball court), AC and battery power is a real plus! fast to set up by plugging in only the music, smaller than most PC speakers and fits in a messenger bag with two pairs of shoes and other stuff!
cons: pricey! although it is loud enough to fill a silent room, it's not enough to overcome noise, and definitely not enough for a party/social
overall: I highly recommend for the sound volume and quality, size is great. A few people have seen me use it at practice, and bought their own.
I've assumed that there's already a good source of music via a 35mm jack, which can be CD players, mp3 players, or some other media player. However, it's another discussion to talk about the various options in music players. I would also like to hear what other people use.
Update: oops, sorry, I accidentally turned off the comments. comments are back on.
Posted by
8:59 PM
Labels: gadgets
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Glowing costumes
I always wondered how USA dance/USABDA feels about glowing costumes
Burn the floor had blinking ballgowns too. There's nothing the rules which says they are not allowed. Anyone want to comment?
Posted by
11:41 AM
Monday, May 21, 2007
Chicago Regionals Champ Standard Finals Videos
There were actually quarterfinal rounds in standard! Although I didn't attend, people say the field was quite strong.
Anyways, EL filmed these videos, and VWaltz is not included.
youtube videos here
Chicago Regionals Champ Latin Finals Videos
Thanks to dance-forum user "yanka" for filming these. Unfortunately we missed chacha, but Paso is included.
youtube videos here
Friday, May 18, 2007
Dance-Forum Google Gadget
I've been playing around with Google Gadgets which allow you to make things for iGoogle(the google personalized homepage, http://www.igoogle.com ) and Google Desktop. Basically, since I read dance-forums.com so often, I decided to add it to the iGoogle.
I wrote a quick and dirty gadget which is still testing, but feel free to check it out.
From iGoogle, click "add stuff" on the upper right corner. Then select "add url" by the search menu, and type "http://tunapee.googlepages.com/Dance-Forum.xml", and voila! you have a dance-forum gadget!
Here's what it looks like:
There's a few features which I haven't had time to add in yet:
- show recent posts like from the website
- simplify the layout
Also, other possible gadget ideas include:
- Dancesportinfo.net results page
- dancesport's news and general page
other ideas?
Posted by
12:54 PM
Labels: google gadget, projects, tech
MAC 2007
I've posted the MAC 2007 standard finals here. Unfortunately, the latin videos were rejected due to possible music copyright infringement. I could fight it with Revver, but don't think I want to put in the effort. So this looks like the end of my relationship with Revver for posting dance videos. I'll be looking for other places - but back to youtube for the moment. If you have suggestions, please email me!
Posted by
12:41 PM
Wednesday, May 9, 2007
2007 USA Dance Region 3 Regional Competition
I've posted the videos from the local regional competition in NJ in April. It's the standard and latin finals in Adult A champsionship level.
The link to the full collection is here, previews of the cha cha and waltz are below.
Posted by
2:18 PM
Hello World
This is the first entry - nothing grandiose. I will be posting things of interest to ballroom enthusiasts like competition videos, photos, competition calendar, and possibly articles. If anything, the blog will act as a bookmark for various Ballroom-related things.
As the name implies - it's a place to go when you're not dancing(but still thinking about dancing or what to do dancing related stuff).
This is not meant to be a site to post personal things about Ballroom(ie. personal videos of dancing), but a more general and public blog.
If you have something you would like to post(eg. recent competition videos, photos, articles, competition links, etc...), feel free to email me.
Posted by
2:10 PM